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Быстрый, бесплатный и удобный подбор недвижимости в Латвии


Безмерно благодарен компании за помощь в подборе квартиры для аренды в Риге. Особенно хотел бы отметить и поблагодарить менеджера Кристину, которая мгновенно включилась в работу и, уточнив наши предпочтения, предоставила список объектов, которые могли бы нас заинтересовать. Коммуникация с клиентами – на высшем уровне! Результат – заключение сделки! P.S.: Понравились комментарии Кристины, в которых отмечалась особенность того или иного объекта, например: «эта квартира в жизни выглядит гораздо красивее», «а в этой квартире установлен газовый котел, который сэкономит вам на оплате коммунальных услуг» и т.д.))
Квартира в Риге, 2023
Barış & Lina Kara, Turkey.
We have contacted Mercury Group while looking for investment opportunities in Latvia in order to obtain residency permit. Upon our first contact, we were greeted with a professional yet friendly manner. It was evident to us from the very beginning that Mercury Group was a team of professionals that take their job and their clients very seriously, however when we were assigned with our personal agent Tamara Nikiforova, we have realized that their good qualities as professionals in the real estate business extend even further than just their definition of work. Tamara is kind, gentle and was very knowledgeable about every step we had to take. She has made sure that we took these steps very comfortably, providing us with her support at every step we took. Her demeanor and presence in advising us as her clients made us feel safe to move forward. We felt comfortable in seeking her counsel and help whenever we needed, and she went beyond and further than what any other person would have done to reach out with a helping hand. Apart from her professional adequacy in finding us suitable options and working cooperatively with our lawyer which she has referred us to, she has very graciously extended her help for other issues that may be considered to be outside a real estate agent's scope of work, like accommodation around the city. It was a pleasure working with Tamara during our search, and it would be fair to say that she has helped us find a new home, just as warm as the numerous cups of coffee she has generously shared with us. She is still offering her support to us even though our business has been concluded. We are very happy to have met her, and we would like to think that she is an outstanding representative of all the good qualities that other members of Mercury Group share within.
Apartment purchase in Riga., 2023
Marlo Pothmann, Germany.
I was very pleased about the friendly and fast support that I got from my handler. Would recommend to anyone.
Apartment in Riga, 2023
Anne Sofie Andersen, Denmark.
Ksenia from the Mercury Group was recommended to me from another Danish citizen. I took the advice and was definitely not disappointed. Ksenia has a great personality, acts extremely professional and we felt safe and taken care of all the way through the process of finding our apartment in Riga. The communication was flawless and we were grateful to have her at our side to help with the formalities of going through the contract etc. We haven't used an agent to help for an apartment search before, but after this experience we will not hesitate to do so again. We give Ksenia our warmest recommendations.
Apartment rent in Riga., 2023
Костынюк Константин
Добрый день, хочу отблагодарить Вашу компанию, а особенно выделить работу сотрудника Тамары! Приобрели дом с семьей в Юрмале. Мы в восторге от качества подбора, коммуникации и оперативности. Все именно так, как просили в первоначальном тз. Спасибо Вам большое за наш новый очаг!)
Дом в Юрмале, 2023
Taras Kosarev, Russia.
We would like to especially thank Kristina Toconova who help us with top level of professionalism gaining win-win results in our long term rent agreement. We are sure that such highly professional approach always form long term cooperation for future years. Best regards, Taras & Marina
Apartment in Riga, 2023
Ļuba Duka, Latvia.
Sadarbība ar mākleri Innu bija patīkama un rezultaīva. Visi jautājumi tika atbildēti un nokārtoti bez kavēšanās un profesionāli.
Privātmāja Kadagā, 2023
Mohammed Alnasari, Sweden.
When i started to search for a place to live in Riga and planed to move from Sweden. Have been in contact with many estates agents from Riga. Mercury Group was the finest between all of them, most comfortable to speak with, gave all help and recommendations all the time. They have been with me all the way and answer me very quickly even during their vacation. They are very helpful and organised. I Will recommend Mercury Group to all of you who is reading my review. big thanks to Mercury Group!
Apartment in Riga, 2023
Oksana Dmitrijeva, Latvia.
Долго сотрудничаем в профессиональной сфере. В этом году посотрудничали и по личным вопросам. :) Профессиональный и оперативный подход в общении и вообще - во всем процессе сделки. Приятно иметь дело. Спасибо!
Квартира в Риге, 2015
Bernadette Jäger
We had the pleasure of working with exceptional housing agent Alisa who truly exceeded our expectations. From the very beginning, she demonstrated remarkable accessibility and a wealth of knowledge. What stood out most was her genuine emphasis on understanding our needs and bringing her own creative ideas to the table. Her proactive approach was truly impressive - whether it was providing immediate answers or swiftly gathering information, even for inquiries that weren't initially within her scope. When challenges arose, her composed demeanor and unwavering assistance were invaluable. She displayed an exceptional ability to consider multiple viewpoints, dedicating the time needed to navigate and resolve any issues. Thanks to her dedication, we eventually found our dream flat. I'm looking forward to our ongoing collaboration. Her professionalism, resourcefulness, and patient problem-solving have truly set a high standard for housing agents.
House in Latvia., 2023

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