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Brokers from Mercury Group at the Presentation of the Exclusive Riga WATERFRONT Project


A presentation of the large-scale project Riga WATERFRONT took place in Riga, which promises to transform Riga and turn it into Northern Dubai. Mercury Group brokers attended the presentation of the project and were convinced of its uniqueness.

The Riga WATERFRONT project is called the new center of Europe due to its scale, exclusivity and premium level of comfort.

Grand Plans

The project envisions the construction of a "city within a city" on a 1 million square meter area along the shores of the Riga port. The total investment cost will be 3 billion euros. The main investor is the well-known entrepreneur from the United Arab Emirates, Mohamed Alabbar.

City of the Future

Riga WATERFRONT will become a city of the future with everything needed for a comfortable and dynamic life. Skyscrapers will house residential and office spaces, as well as luxurious restaurants. There will be docks for yachting enthusiasts, and entertainment centers, promenades, and bike paths for those who enjoy leisure and recreation.

Green zones and parks will be an integral part of the new city, creating a harmonious blend of urban life and nature.

Tourist Magnet

The project initiators are confident that Riga WATERFRONT will transform Riga into an attractive tourist and business center not only for the Baltic region but also for the entire Scandinavia. It will become a magnet for tourists and businesspeople from around the world.

Fruits of Cooperation

The project implementation became possible thanks to the long-term cooperation between Mohamed Alabbar and former minister, now a member of the Saeima, Ainārs Šlesers. The ceremonial opening of the United Arab Emirates embassy in Riga before the project presentation underscores the importance and significance of Riga WATERFRONT in strengthening intergovernmental relations between the two countries.

Prospects for Riga

Riga WATERFRONT is an ambitious project that promises to change the face of Riga and elevate it to a new level of development. The project is planned to take 5 years, and its completion is eagerly awaited, as it will open new opportunities for Riga and revive it as one of the most attractive cities in the region.

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