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Silent Center has been long regarded as the pride of the city - beautiful, green parks, ce...


Alina Merca

Rental and Sales Associate
GSM: + 37129642499
E-mail: [email protected]

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ID code: 4134
Location: Riga / Centre / Ausekla
Type: Apartment
House type: Renovated house
Rooms: 3
Floor: 1/ 5
Size: 125 m2
Alarm system

Silent Center has been long regarded as the pride of the city - beautiful, green parks, century-old architecture, sophisticated restaurants and bars, respectable offices and embassies, luxury apartments - the face of the Silent Center.
The building situated in the quite centre of Riga is surrounded by the beautiful Art Nouveau architecture. The building is located in the heart of Riga's commercial centre within a walking distance to the nearby embassies, headquarters of major banks, companies, ministries, schools, kindergartens, shops, cafes, hotels, restaurants and the Old Town. Convenient means of transport.
Beautiful, historical facade building. The entrance to the apartment has new plastic windows.
Spacious, green yard with a parking place.
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Alina Merca

Rental and Sales Associate

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