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Asari is part of the city of Jurmala. Distance from Riga - 29 km. Situated on the territor...

Alina Merca

Rental and Sales Associate
GSM: + 37129642499
E-mail: [email protected]

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ID : 4003
Location: Jurmala and region / Valteri / Piekrastes
Type: Land
Land area: 3 170 m2
To buy:
412 100 EUR (130 EUR/m2)

Asari is part of the city of Jurmala. Distance from Riga - 29 km. Situated on the territory of the former fishing village of Shaushi. The present name originates from the 19-th century (after the name ofa house called Asari.). Building started in the second half of the 19-th century. Known as a strawberry-growing place. Strawberries were first planted there in 1877. Cortesi, the owner of a summerhouse, brought the seedlings from France. In the thirties Asari used to be s popular resort of wealthy inhabitants of Riga.
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Alina Merca

Rental and Sales Associate

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