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First British school soon will be open in Latvia


First British school in Latvia: the creation of 6 million euros, the learning — 10 000 Euro.

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United Arab Emirates plans to open an embassy in Latvia


Opening of an Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Riga will promote political and economic cooperation with Latvia...

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Foreigners may obtain a residence permit, buying two properties in the regions of Latvia


On Thursday, of December, the Parliament of Latvia (Saeima) at the second reading adopted that foreigners from non-EU countries can apply for temporary residence permit in Latvia for 5 years, purchaising of two properties in the regions outside of Riga and Riga district of total value 250 thousand euros.

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Number of tourists keeps growing in Riga in Q3


During the third quarter of 2015, the number of tourists staying in hotels and other tourist facilities in Riga rose by 2% from the same period a year ago to 390,317, while the number of overnight amount to 720,369, the Riga Tourism Development Bureau said, citing information from the Central Statistics Bureau.

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